Thursday, October 20, 2016

Personal History Project: Interview, Pictures and Artifacts

In Social Studies, students have begun a Personal History Project.

They have prepared interview questions, so that they can ask an important adult in their life about their past.  They will also gather 3-5 pictures and 3-5 artifacts that they will include in their digital presentation.  Digital pictures, as well as digital pictures of artifacts, can be sent to me at my email address (which was sent home with students on the assignment page).

Parents and guardians, please find the time over the long weekend to aid students in gathering the required items and conducting the interview.  Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Moon's Synchronous Orbit

This animation demonstrates how the moon rotates.  It rotates once every full orbit of the Earth, which takes 27 days.  As a result, the view from Earth never changes, and we always see the same side of the moon.