Tuesday, June 12, 2018

June 2018 Update

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Wow, we are already into the final month of school!  There is lots going on this month, so please take a look at the important dates on the right hand side of this page.

In regards to curriculum, we are running straight through the finish line, so please remind students to stay focused.

Here is what we are finishing the year with:

1. Math: Geometry (Perimeter, Area, and Polygons)
2. Language Arts / Fine Arts: Drama - students are preparing and performing short plays in groups. Afterwards we will dive into some poetry.
3. Social Sciences: Community Action  - students will participate in Mr. Nast's first annual Blackberry Pull in an effort to start cleaning up the invasive species on the Eagle View playground.
4. Core Competencies: Students will be reviewing some of their work from this school year, and analyzing it for signs of growth in the various areas of the Core Competencies.
5. Health: Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases + Safety in our Community
6. Continuing as usual: PE, Reading, DPA, etc.

It's been a great school year, and I really appreciate all of your support.  Please be on the look out for any further information to come home in the form of a notice, as there are some important field trips and events yet to take place - such as our June 27th Beach Day.