Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Welcome Back

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Dear Parents and Students of Division 3,

Welcome to another year at Eagle View Elementary School. September is always an exciting time, as students and families get back into the routine of the school year.  We will be busy in the classroom right out of the gate, so be ready to roll.

Students, make sure your labelled supplies are in the classroom as soon as possible - if you need another copy of the intermediate supply list, it is available from our school website. Don't forget, we wear separate indoor and outdoor shoes at Eagle View.

Also, this is the time to set personal, social and academic goals for the school year. Here are a few ideas:

1. Get to school on time.
2. Track assignments using the agenda.
3. Finish work for homework.
4. Keep desk neat and tidy.
5. Treat school supplies with care.
6. Be kind and thoughtful towards classmates.

It is going to be a great school year, and I am really looking forward to seeing familiar faces, while getting to know the new Grade 4s as well!

~ Mr. Nast