Thursday, February 5, 2015

Colquitz River Watershed Links

Hi class!

After you have finished your research project, please use these links to investigate the CRD's educational resources on the Colquitz River watershed.

Meet Ollie the Otter,
the CRD's Watershed Mascot!
Ollie's World - an interactive flash animation all about fresh water in the CRD (Capital Regional District).

CRD Watershed Videos - all about watersheds in the CRD.

Feel free to investigate the various other educational resources the CRD offers on its webpage, by surfing through the website.

BONUS Assignment: If you have gotten this far, use your research to write a multi-paragraph piece about the Colquitz Watershed.  Paragraph topics:

- history
- wildlife
- environmental concerns
- ways to protect the watershed

Remember: every paragraph starts with an opening sentence, and ends with a closing sentence (or clincher).  Keep your paragraphs clear, include examples, and keep each paragraph to about 5-7 sentences in length.

~ Mr. Nast