Monday, September 21, 2015

The Giver

We have begun our novel study of The Giver, by Lois Lowry. 

It's a youth classic and Newberry Medal winner.  There are many themes woven throughout, and we will spend particular time focusing on the ones that are eye opening for kids - one of which is what we consider "normal" in regards to society.  It's a big picture sort of book. 

Beyond critical thinking, we will also use the book to practice our basic writing structure, as there are accompanying comprehension assignments and activities.  I will create a separate page on my blog where I will post assignments for downloading at home.  Look for it in the menu bar.

Here's a review from The Guardian.

If kids can hold off on watching the movie until we are done reading, that will allow us to uncover the plot together as a class.  We can watch the film when we are done reading.