Thursday, November 5, 2015

Social Studies: Canadian Culture & Governance Unit

Take a look at this collage.
Do these images represent Canada?  Do they represent you?
Why these images?  What's missing?
Now that students have had the chance to investigate their own personal histories/her-stories, we dive into a big unit on Canadian Culture, Canada's Links to the World, and Canadian Governance.

Who are we as a community, province and country?  Where did we come from?  What makes us Canadian?  What is a Canadian media stereotype?  How does the rest of the world see Canada?  What is Canada's place in the world, and how do we compare to other nations of the planet?  These are some of the questions we will ask and attempt to answer.

We will also branch into Canadian governance, comparing our form of democracy with governments in other countries of the world.

Dig deeper... take a look at these images.